"Never Again the Burning Times" Act




BE IT NOTED: The pronouns "ze", "hir" and "hirs" shall for the purposes of this document describe any person or thing henceforth mentioned or implied; and shall be understood according to the context in which used.

Preamble: It is a fundamental principle of the jurisprudence of Eudaimonia that all Eudaimonic members are guaranteed the utmost freedom of thought, word, and action, provided that the exercise of these freedoms does not impinge upon the equal exercising of these freedoms by all other members; and that the policy of Eudaimonia shall be formulated by the free debate of all its members.

Section 1:

It is a legal offence for any member or members of Eudaimonia to attempt to impose hir or their will or opinions upon another person or other persons by the unlawful use of force, governmental power or unsubstantiated allegations; or by threats of the unlawful use of force, governmental power or unsubstantiated allegations.

Section 2:

All rights and priviliges guaranteed by the laws, the active Declaration of Human Rights and the active Operating Resolution of Eudaimonia, shall apply to all people, excepting the right to participate in the government of Eudaimonia, which shall apply to legal members only.


SO ENACTED on Thursday, October the 21st, 1999, in the Common Era by the mandate of 100% of those voting with 33.33% of the active membership not voting.
Assented to under procedures set forth by Operating Resolution Two and the Inactivity Act (1 - '99).

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