Shedding of the Past Resolution



Section 1: Let this resolution be called The Shedding of the Past Resolution.

Section 2: This Resolution will be in force immediately after voting, and shall be carried out at the soonest leasure of the Members of East Cyberia.

Section 3: The group known as "East Cyberia" shall no longer exist, nor shall any of the claims of "East Cyberia" be in effect (including imaginary territory, citizens, laws, etc). All mentioning of East Cybreia shall be deleted.
Section 3.1 If a member of the former "East Cyberia" wishes to create a museum to the past, ze is definately encouraged to do so.


SO DEFEATED on Friday January the 7th, 2000, in the Common Era by the mandate of 33.33% of those voting with 16.66% of the active membership not voting.
Assented to under procedures set forth by Operating Resolution Two and the Inactivity Act (1 - '99).

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