Anti-Victimization Act

February 05, 2001



TITLE I -- Provisos Which Apply to All Proceding Titles
CHAPTER ZERO -- General Provisos
CHAPTER ONE -- Menacing and Threatening
CHAPTER TWO -- Conspiracy to Harm

TITLE II -- Prohibitions
CHAPTER ZERO -- Legal Harassment
CHAPTER ONE -- Sexual Harassment
CHAPTER TWO -- Internet Harassment
CHAPTER THREE -- Hate-Speech and Incitation to Persecution
CHAPTER FOUR -- Defamation and Slander
CHAPTER FIVE -- Property Destruction
CHAPTER SIX -- Physical and Psychological Harassment, Violence, Assault and Sexual Assault
CHAPTER SEVEN -- Child Abuse, Molestation and Paedophilia
CHAPTER EIGHT -- Abuse of Animals
CHAPTER TEN -- Willful Breach of Contract

TITLE III -- Exceptions to Prohibited Behaviours
CHAPTER ZERO -- Exceptions

TITLE IV -- Penalties
CHAPTER ZERO -- General Penalty Structure
CHAPTER ONE -- Penalty Restrictions

Preamble: The United Radical Communities (henceforth the "URC") considers it a right of all people to be free from injury, subjugation, molestation, hounding, torment, persecution and violence. This regulation seeks to protect URC members, persons who are not members of the URC, and animals, from any such victimization perpetrated by any URC members.  It is the intent of this regulation to assure that the URC remains a safe space insofar as possible for all members and non-members engaging within URC spaces, and to uphold the right of freedom from harm and violence.

It is a fundamental principle of the URC that all people are guaranteed the utmost freedom of thought, word, and action, provided that the exercise of these freedoms does not impinge upon the equal exercising of these freedoms by all other members; and that the policy of the URC shall be formulated by the free debate of all its members.

It is furthermore the aim of this document to define specifically what is considered injurious victimization within URC disciplinary regulations and what disciplinary remedies may be applied for them within the URC.


TITLE I -- Provisos Which Apply to All Proceding Titles

CHAPTER ZERO -- General Provisos

Section 1:

The prohibitions in this document apply to all legal members of the URC.

Section 2:

The protections in this document apply to all persons or specified animals, whether legal members of the URC or not.

Section 3:

All references to behaviour listed in CHAPTERs in Title II of this Act are prohibited except where noted otherwise in any particular case or in another part of this Act, such as by exception or clarification.

CHAPTER ONE -- Menacing and Threatening

Section 1:

Making threats to knowingly and willfully transgress any of the prohibitions outlined in this document, where there is reasonable possibility of such threats being acted on, is also prohibited as "malicious menacing" and subject to appropriate penalties.

CHAPTER TWO -- Conspiracy to Harm

Section 1:

Conspiring to willfully transgress any of the prohibitions outlined in this document is also prohibited as "conspiracy to harm" and subject to appropriate penalties.

TITLE II -- Prohibitions

CHAPTER ZERO -- Legal Harassment

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Legal Harassment and Prohibited:


Repeatedly threatening to file or attempting to file Complaints against any person or organization for actions that are not illegal.


Attempting to frighten, bully or otherwise intimidate political opponents into making concessions, changing their opinions, changing their votes or subscribing to political beliefs or actions which they would not otherwise subscribe to, such as by, but not limited to, physical or psychological intimidation, bribery, blackmail, or threats to file Complaints against them or promises to withdraw Complaints against them in return for political compliance.


Attempting to frighten, bully or otherwise intimidate people of other spiritual faiths or of no spiritual faith into changing their opinions, changing their faith, changing their votes or subscribing to spiritual beliefs or actions which they would not otherwise subscribe to, such as by, but not limited to, physical or psychological intimidation, bribery, blackmail, or threats to file Complaints against them or promises to withdraw Complaints against them in return for religious compliance.


Repeatedly filing Complaints on trivial or frivolous bases so as to badger or infuriate any person or group of persons.


Knowingly and willfully filing Complaints predicated on false accusations.


Repeatedly filing Complaints predicated on unsubstantial or unreasonably flimsy evidence.

CHAPTER ONE -- Sexual Harassment

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Sexual Harassment and Prohibited:


Making sexual advances or appeals towards a person who has requested that you not make sexual advances towards hir; making repeated sexual advances or appeals towards a person who is disinterested; persisting in requesting that a person engage in any sexual activities when ze has already once refused; committing unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature; making unwelcome comments, motions or noises of a sexual nature.


Offering someone monetary compensation in exchange for a sexual favour.


A request for a sexual favour by someone in a position of relative authority or influence with the understanding or implication that special benefits will be granted in exchange.


An attempt to coerce any person to engage in a sexual act, such as, but not limited to, by intimidating, threatening, bullying, badgering, annoying, blackmailing, destroying or damaging the property of or emotionally blackmailing said person.


Requesting that any person engage in sexual activity when their reaction to said request might be viewed as a basis for evaluative decisions affecting an individual's future.


Committing sexually degrading, demeaning or humiliating motions, comments, noises or physical contact against any person.


Phrasing a sexual request as a demand, an order, an instruction, a decree or anything other than a suggestion, question or innocuous indication of personal desire.


Stalking a person as a means of sexual intimidation.

CHAPTER TWO -- Internet Harassment: Spamming, Worms, Viruses, Trojan Horses, E-Mail Bombing and Flooding

Note: The following definitions shall apply for the duration of this CHAPTER:

() "Virus" shall be defined as a block of executable code that attaches itself to, overwrites, or otherwise replaces another program in order to surreptitiously reproduce itself.
() "Trojan Horse" shall be defined as a block of executable code that appears to perform a specific function but actually executes an unexpected and often destructive act, such as overwriting files or damaging a hard drive.
() "Worm" shall be defined as a block of code written to replicate itself and use computer memory but not attach to any specific programs.
() "Spam" shall be defined as an unwelcome mass mailing, such as, but not limited to, on message boards, newsgroups, instant messengers, mailing lists, chat rooms or e-mail accounts.
() "E-mail Bombing" shall be defined as a mass e-mailing to any person or server deliberately designed to interfere with, shut down or otherwise disable the ability of the server or person to receive e-mail normally.
() "Flooding" shall be defined as an unreasonably excessive number of messages as posted to a message board, newsgroup, mailing list or sent to an e-mail address, instant messenger account or chat room.

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Internet Harassment and Prohibited:


Willfully and knowingly transmitting worms, viruses, trojan horses or other hostile programs to unwitting third parties.


Persistently engaging in distribution of spam where recipients are obviously disinterested or have once requested that such spam not be distributed to them.


Knowingly and willfully engaging in malicious e-mail bombing, spamming or flooding.


Insistently contacting any person privately when said person has clearly requested you not privately contact hir, except in cases of reasonable emergency, unusual occurrence, where a long time period has passed between the time of such contact and the time of the request in question, or other mitigating circumstances.


Maliciously appropriating a web-site and modifying or destroying it without the author's or maintainer's permission.


Gaining entry to any person's accounts or hard-drive and making malicious modifications or causing destruction.

CHAPTER THREE -- Hate-Speech and Incitation to Persecution

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Persecution and Prohibited:


Persistently oppressing or harassing a person or people with ill-treatment because of hir or their race, ethnicity, sex, preferred sexual partners (except where such preference is illegal), personality or behaviour (except where such behaviour is illegal), identity, spirituality or faith, previous condition of servitude, disability, geographical location or national origin, physical appearance, economic status, age or political affiliation.


Attempting to impose unreasonable restrictions on a person's behaviour, dress or mobility or to imperil a person's physical safety or personal security, integrity or sovereignty on grounds outlined in Section 1-1 of this CHAPTER.


Attempting to grant special benefits to, or to enforce special punishments or restrictions against, a person on grounds outlined in Section 1-1 of this CHAPTER.


Attempting to incite hatred, loathing, distrust, discrimination, restrictions, or violence against persons on grounds that they or their behaviour or actions fall into one of the categories outlined in Section 1-1 of this CHAPTER, such as by, but not limited to, disseminating propaganda advocating such persecution or propaganda depicting such persecution in a positive or eroticized way, making speeches or admonitions advocating such persecution, attempting to goad others to engage in such persecution or suggesting patriotic, religious, tribal or political duty to engage in such persecution.


Attempting to commit any behaviour prohibited by this CHAPTER against a person or people on grounds that their acquaintances, loved ones or relatives are in one of the categories defined in Section 1-1 of this CHAPTER.

CHAPTER FOUR -- Defamation and Slander

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Slander and Prohibited:


Making deliberately and knowingly false accusations of wrongdoing against any innocent person or group of people where such accusations are designed nevertheless to destroy their reputation, incite harassment or acts of violence against them or cause them to be discriminated against.


Publicly or privately speculating about the character or actions of any person, or warning about possible acts of wrongdoing by any person where there is reasonable suspicion that such wrongdoing is or was possible, is not slander and shall not be construed as prohibited by this Act.


Making accusations or warnings of possible wrongdoing regarding certain people or groups of people through appealing to bigotry, prejudice or moral qualms about aspects of the life of that person or those people which are irrelevant to the nature of the accusations or warnings, such as, but not limited to, by invoking their race, sex or ethnicity, or the race, sex or ethnicity of their associates, or the race, sex or ethnicity of their lovers, or their politics or religion where such politics or religion are irrelevant to the accusation being made.


Making accusations or warnings of possible wrongdoing regarding certain people or groups of people by citing aspects of their political ideology or religious doctrine or circumstances of their life and upbringing which are relevant to the accusations in question, such as, but not limited to, by pointing out pro-paedophiliac ideologies or ideologies which call for the silencing or murder of dissidents or ideologies which call for behaviours prohibited by this Act or indoctrination which has incited them to hatred or violence, is not slanderous and shall not be construed as prohibited by this Act.


Making deliberately and knowingly false accusations or suggestions that a person believes in an ideology or doctrine which calls for behaviours prohibited by this Act where there is no reasonable evidence to support them.


Making accusations or warnings of possible wrongdoing regarding certain people or groups of people by citing things they have said or done in the past that cannot reasonably be construed as relevant to their behaviour or paradigms at the time of the accusations or warnings aforementioned.

CHAPTER FIVE -- Property Destruction

Note: The owner of "property" or "possessions" for the purposes of this CHAPTER shall be the person who is known to have produced it, or otherwise the person presently responsible for maintaining it.

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Property Destruction and Prohibited:


Appropriating any person's possessions and modifying or destroying them without hir clearly stated permission.


Causing malicious changes, damage or destruction to any person's place of residence, automobile, computer, clothing, website, e-mail account, message board, mailing list, chat room, money, web-based service account, offline-service account or any similar object, commodity or affair of that person.


Causing damage to property appropriated from workers by corporations or governments is not "property destruction" and may not be construed as prohibited by this Act.

CHAPTER SIX -- Physical and Psychological Harassment, Violence, Assault and Sexual Assault

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Terrorism and Prohibited


Persistently committing unwanted physical contact with any person or persistently making unwanted gestures, motions, noises or comments towards any person.


Physically badgering or bullying any person.


Forcing any person to physical acts against their will.


Committing acts of force, violence or assault against any person so as to harm hir body or sense of security or to attempt to humiliate hir, including but not limited to, tripping, shoving, hitting, punching, slapping, biting, grabbing, groping, grasping, stabbing, shooting or attempting to damage hir sensory or nervous systems.


Restraining or restricting the free movement of any person against hir will, except where to prevent hir from harming a third party or hirself.


Committing murder or attempting to commit murder.


Maliciously or intentionally intimidating any person physically, either overtly or implicitly, such as, but not limited to, by means of a relatively large, muscular or imposing figure, possession of weapons, possession of dangerous objects which could reasonably be used as weapons, sexual suggestiveness, dangerous capabilities, or otherwise implying intent to harm.


Forcing any person to submit to sexual acts, or attempting to force any person to submit to sexual acts, such as by, but not limited to, physical force, blackmailing, psychological coercion, threatening or intimidating, drugging or emotional blackmail.


Menacing or physically intimidating comments, motions, noises or physicality levied against any person.


Persistently following, tracking or stalking any person or destroying the property, identity or accounts of any person or attempting to destroy the affairs or relationships of any person due to obsession or vendetta.

CHAPTER SEVEN -- Child Abuse, Molestation and Paedophilia

Note: The word "child" shall, for the purposes of this CHAPTER, be taken to mean a person below the age of seventeen, except where otherwise noted.

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Child Abuse and Prohibited


Attempting to deceive, manipulate or force a child to perform work excepting normal household chores.


Attempting to committ any sexual act on a child or requesting any sexual act from a child under any circumstances.


Attempting to deceive, manipulate or force a child to perform sexual acts.


Sexualizing or attempting to sexualize the body of a child or creating or distributing images of the sexualized body of a child or creating or distributing recordings of the sexualized voice of a child.


Attempting to exploit a child for self-gain or profit.


Sexually harassing a child as defined in CHAPTER ONE of this Title.


Committing acts of violence or harassment against a child as defined in CHAPTER SIX of this Title.


Imposing excessively cruel punishments on a child or imposing extreme punishments on a child for minor or trivial or debatable infractions; attempting to punish a child for not learning at a certain pace, or implying to hir that hir learning at such a pace is prerequisite for hir being loved and cared for.


Attempting to punish a child for engaging in any behaviour which cannot logically be demonstrated as harmful to hir or those around hir, including but not limited to, masturbation, transgressing racial, ethnic or sexist behavioural stereotypes, expressing sexual preferences which are not heterosexual, expressing political or religious disagreement or dislike for certain foods or activities.


Attempting to modify the mental state or permanently modify the body of a child, such as by, but not limited to, piercings, circumcisions, genital mutilations, intentional scarring, drugging, or any form of plastic surgery, such as, but also not limited to, breast implants, penile implants, voice-tone changes or sex-reassignment surgery, where the purpose of such modifications are vanity, social conformity, imposition of religious or cultural traditions, or anything except the continued physical health of the child, and then only insofar as is necessary to protect the child's physical health and no farther.


Disciplining a child with corporal punishment, such as, but not limited to, by beating, suffocating, biting, scratching or slapping hir or yanking hir hair.


Attempting to impose a political ideology or religious doctrine on a child or implying that hir acceptance of such ideology or doctrine is prerequisite for hir being loved and cared for.


Terrifying a child by lying to hir, exploiting hir fears, gullibility or ignorance, implying, overtly or subtly, that ze will be a victim of severe bodily harm, screaming at hir in an excessively loud, intimidating or violent way, appearing to lose self-control in hir vicinity, threatening to harm oneself, others or the child to gain concessions or cooperation from hir, attempting to confuse or torment hir through sadistic manipulation of hir environment, or threatening to abandon hir.


Willfully depriving a child of food or drink as a form of punishment or sadism.


Forcing a child to bear witness to sexual acts or violent acts or forcing, deceiving or manipulating a child to engage in any of the behaviours prohibited by this Act.


Committing any physical contact of a sexual nature against a child or making unwanted comments, motions or noises of a sexual nature to a child.


Removing a child from the care of hir primary guardians for prolonged periods of time except where to protect the child from abuse by said primary guardians.


Leaving a child age 8 or younger unattended for longer than twenty minutes.


Endangering the welfare of a child, such as by, but not limited to, placing hir in dangerous situations or circumstances, encouraging hir to engage in dangerous activities, refusing to disclose vital information to hir regarding how to maintain hir own safety or health or how to recognize danger, neglecting hir or neglecting to prevent hir from hurting hirself or engaging in dangerous activities, attempting to impede hir from receiving medical treatment crucial to hir health or leaving hir unattended in a hazardous or potentially chaotic area.


Age of Consent Clause


The following actions are defined as 'statutory rape' and prohibited:


(a)A child age 14 or older committing sexual acts or attempting to commit sexual acts on or with a child under the age of 10.

(b)A child age 17 or older committing sexual acts or attempting to commit sexual acts on or with a child under the age of 14.

(c)An adult age 19 or older committing sexual acts or attempting to commit sexual acts on or with a child under the age of 16.

(d)An adult age 20 or older committing sexual acts or attempting to commit sexual acts on or with a child under the age of 17.


The following actions are defined as 'statutory molestation' and prohibited:


(a)A child age 14 or older committing any physical contact of a sexual nature, or making unwelcome comments, motions or noises of a sexual nature to a child under the age of 10.

(b)A child age 17 or older committing any physical contact of a sexual nature, or making unwelcome comments, motions or noises of a sexual nature to a child under the age of 14.

(c)An adult age 19 or older committing any physical contact of a sexual nature, or making unwelcome comments, motions or noises of a sexual nature to a child under the age of 16.

(d)A adult age 20 or older committing any physical contact of a sexual nature, or making unwelcome comments, motions or noises of a sexual nature to a child under the age of 17.

Section 2:

Malicious Menacing of a Child Clause


Making threats to knowingly and willfully transgress any of the prohibitions outlined in this CHAPTER where there is reasonable possibility of such threats being acted on, or where a child feels there is a reasonable possibility of such threats being acted on, is prohibited as "malicious menacing of a child" and also subject to penalties appropriate to this CHAPTER.

Section 3:

Filing of a Child Abuse Complaint on Victim's Behalf


Any person with evidence or knowledge of child abuse may at any time file a valid Complaint against the alleged abuser[s] on the behalf of any allegedly abused child[ren].

CHAPTER EIGHT -- Abuse of Animals

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Animal Abuse and Prohibited


Maliciously or intentionally causing physical pain or deliria in any creature except where in the interests of ultimately healing that creature or where in defense of the safety of oneself or others.


The use of rodent-traps or rodent-poisons that work to destroy a rodent by causing unreasonably sadistic amounts of anxiety, physical or psychological torture or pain, such as by causing the rodent to die of fear, causing the rodent to die of pain, tearing the rodent's limbs off or bleeding the rodent to death.


Hunting and killing any creature "for sport" or without reason except ego-gratification.


Hunting and killing or medically experimenting on a member of any following categories of animal:


(b)Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises;


(d)Polar Bears, Pandas and Koalas


Animals within the categories listed under Section 1-4 of this CHAPTER are also protected from any of the behaviours listed in CHAPTER SEVEN of this Act, except where they involve encouraging consensual sexual activity between one and another adult animal of the same species.


Hunting animals which are protected from hunting or medical experimentation by any government on earth by URC members presently living under that particular government, except where said protections are of religious, mystical or otherwise mythical significance rather than in the interests of ecological protection.


Committing any sexual act on an animal, attempting to deceive, coerce or force an animal to perform any sexual act or attempting to involve an animal in sexual acts with humans or with other animals which are not of the same species as it is.


Disciplining an animal with corporal punishment, such as, but not limited to, by beating, suffocating, biting, scratching or slapping it or yanking its hair.


Willfully depriving an animal of food or drink as a form of punishment or sadism.


Leaving a domestic housepet unattended for unreasonably lengthy periods of time.


Terrifying or psychologically tormenting an animal, such as by sadistic manipulation of its environment or implying to it an intent to physically harm it.

Section 2:

Filing of an Animal Abuse Complaint on Victim's Behalf


Any person with evidence or knowledge of animal abuse may at any time file a Complaint against the alleged abuser[s] on behalf of any allegedly abused animal[s].


Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Theft and Prohibited:


Appropriating possessions, proofs of identification, identity-manifests, accounts, credit cards or money from any person or group of people without hir or their knowledge and consent.


Appropriating data, ability to control or manipulate certain collections of data or ability to store or delete data from any person or group of people without hir or their knowledge and consent.


Appropriating creations, constructions or productions from the person or group of people who made them without hir or their knowledge and consent.

CHAPTER TEN -- Willful Breach of Contract

Section 1:

The Following Behaviours are Defined as Willful Breach of Contract and Prohibited:


An adult willfully or maliciously breaching the stipulations of a written obligation which was consensually signed by that adult and any other adult(s), except insofar as those stipulations require behaviours that are prohibited by this document or URC regulation.

TITLE III -- Exceptions to Prohibited Behaviours

CHAPTER ZERO -- Exceptions

Section 1:

The following behaviours are not prohibited by this Act, regardless and irrespective of any prohibitions levied by Title II of this Act:


Acts of physical violence when done in order to defend oneself or someone else from a physical threat that had been originally posed or implied by the person or people whom the act of physical violence was done to.


Acts of violence or threatening against any animal or animals or the killing of any animal or animals when done in order to defend oneself or someone else from a danger that had been originally posed or implied by the animal or animals in question.


Physically forcing a child age 5 or older to attend an accredited school.


Making statements or propaganda which clearly parody the behaviours described in Title II of this Act without actually violating them.


Making any threats or statements in an obviously joking, lampooning or parodying manner.

TITLE IV -- Penalties

CHAPTER ZERO -- General Penalty Structure

Section 1:

A People's Tribunal may apply any of the penalties outlined in this Section on any person convicted of transgressing any of the regulations of this Act.


Any person who engages in any behaviour prohibited by this Act may be convicted and sentenced by a People's Tribunal in any of the following ways:

(a)Ze may be issued an injunction ordering hir to immediately cease and desist that behaviour and/or to apologize for past instances of that behaviour, and/or to make amends for that behaviour through publishing any retractions, statements and/or disclaimers demanded by the People's Tribunal, and may, in addition, be penalized as specified in either part (b) or part (c) of this Section;

(b)Ze may be issued an injunction ordering hir to immediately cease and desist that behaviour and to remit, within a time period specified by the People's Tribunal, a monetary sum to hir victim[s], on penalty of a specified further punishment. Should ze refuse to remit the monetary sum within the allotted period of time, or should hir victim[s] publicly indicate that they have not received the specified monetary sum within the allotted period of time, the further punishment aforementioned will automatically be administered. In any case, ze may also be additionally penalized as specified by part (c) of this Section;

(c)Ze may be declared 'on probation' for a continuous period of time, not less than six months or greater than one year immediately following that declaration, on penalty of a specified further punishment. Should any person then publicly report that this convict has committed another regulatory violation of the same CHAPTER of Title II as originally since having been declared 'on probation' and while still 'on probation', this convict will automatically be administered the further punishment aforementioned;

(d)Ze may be perpetually expelled from the URC for a period of time to be determined by the People's Tribunal;

(e)Ze may be permanently expelled from the URC.

CHAPTER ONE -- Penalty Restrictions

Section 1:

The following limitations apply to all People's Tribunals sentencing persons convicted of transgressing the regulations of this Act:


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER ZERO may not be fined more than fifty American dollars for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER ONE may not be fined more than one-hundred-fifty American dollars for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER TWO may not be fined more than seventy-five American dollars for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER THREE may not be fined more than one-hundred American dollars for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER FOUR may not be fined more than seventy-five American dollars for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER FIVE may not be fined more than the value of the property destroyed or the monetary sum required to repair the destruction incurred by that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER SIX may not be fined more than three-hundred American dollars for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER SEVEN may not be fined for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER EIGHT may not be fined for that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER NINE may not be fined more than the value of what was stolen by that transgression.


Persons convicted of transgressing Title II, CHAPTER TEN may not be fined more than fifty American dollars for that transgression.


Enacted on April the 1st, 2001 in the Common Era, by the mandate of 100% of those voting with 0.0% of the active membership not voting.
Assented to under procedures set forth by the Elemental Act.